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(2 edits) (+1)

I have continued to advance in the video game, and I wanted to go back here to say how much I am enjoying it. It's beautiful. Have you done all the work? I mean, is this the work of one person or do you have someone who does the illustrations on one side and another who programs and another who does the texts...?
The sound effects are very good, really good: the sounds that the ship makes, with the ropes and the creaking of the wood, the idea of not using so much music to instead make that detail that really immerses you in the experience is great, feels like being in that place. And the lack of music also makes the beautiful violin melody on the menu screen stand out even more, a great decision in sound. 

I'm surprised to see that you've defined a set appearance for the protagonist, and I'm surprised at how cool it fit my personal case with the name I choose... because he's a white-furred cat, it fit in perfectly, I was a little lucky in my choice :D

And really, the illustrations are beautiful, and the facial expressions are very good, it really warms one's heart when you see the emotions so clear in the expressiveness of the characters. 

For now I'm only getting to know Sam, honestly it was Julian who I liked the most out of all of them at the beginning, I'm very similar to him in the sense that I make "witty" jokes and little joke-pranks and I have gotten the occasional annoyance from someone for letting myselft get carried away with the jokes and fun too much for accident, teasing without realizing that I am bothering or even becoming a kind of accidental verbal bully.
So... I really liked Julian, but then Sam showed up and at first I didn't like him too much because he seemed to have a bit of that light spiky attitude correcting Julian, reminded me of some rather annoying classmates I've known. But that impression began to change when I decided to sit next to him at the "table", which is that I had only two options and one of them seemed to imply that I had to ask Julian to move while Sam's option seemed to imply that there was already a free space next to him or that he was freer. But well, when he started making jokes at me and nudging me... I started to wonder if I had now captured Sam's attention (meaning that maybe he is one of those who instinctively show his interest by pushing or tapping as a way to get closer and touch because he can't think of any other way to be intimate), being that earlier Sam's attention had been drawn to Julian but with the last couple of gestures that the protagonist made because of him now the eye of Sam begins to be catched by the protagonist. And after finding Sam's nice taste more with his jokes, I decided to accompany him to sleep early simply because it seemed wiser to me because my character was still getting used to all that life of hard work and surely getting up early tomorrow, and then I had the moment alone with Sam before bed and he was quite cute, and the whole scene of waking up and seeing the sunrise... was very sweet and beautiful. I loved it.

I would like to offer, as a humble and respectful attempt to try to help the better well-being of this great work, to give some suggestions... just opinions that I think are right:
There are many instances in the game where the protagonist simply responds by auto-reacting to what is happening in one way... but instead of taking those instances to make more moments where the player can place their part in how they want their protagonist be. That is, the video game would benefit from having more instances of choosing options and in those cases it would simply affect a couple of dialogues about how he reacts to something, so it would be easy to do. For example, when Sam tells the protagonist that the protagonist's plate is actually his... I think it would be better to put the option for the player to decide if they want their character to be submissive or not (there are people who have a fetish for relationships with a Seme and an Uke (dominant male and submissive male) it is a whole subgenre or cliché of manga in the yaoi genre), it would be enough to leave it in a dialogue option... but, of course, if you wanted to work more on it, you could make dialogue options continued to influence the character's future dialogues, or from the beginning of the game give as an option just before defining the name so you can choose the attitude of the protagonist, whether the character is shy or not, upbeat or sad/calm, etc... but well, maybe it's easier to just give dialogue options to offer alternative reactions. Like that instance where you can choose to introduce yourself to your fellow recruits (Wolf and Julian) and start a conversation with them or just stand next to them and keep quiet while waiting. Or when Sam tells you that Arthur isn't such a bad guy in response to a dialogue from the protagonist... I didn't dislike Arthur that much, he is quite fine, I understand that he has a lot of responsibilities keeping order and he seemed like a proud worthy guy with a lot of dignity... maybe I, if I was in that world, could make a joke (when he's not around, of course) about how he always keeps his head so high above the others and with a haughty gesture that surely his brain must cool down or saying something like "One must feel alone so high up there", hahaha.

Great, very nice, videogame. Please, continue it. And thank you, really!

Hey, hey, appreciate you taking the time to write down your thoughts!

Yeh, the Sam face is mostly a leftover at this stage and will get rectified with a general overhaul for the character graphics sometime in the future. Just was the first character that got their art, so I ended up experimenting a little, trying to see what works, etc., moved on, and later realized it doesn't look that great. Just wasn't egregious enough of an issue to get addressed yet.

And no, it's not quite a 1-person production anymore. It was, initially, but since then I've had the chance to bring on some writing help here and there through the Patreon funding. So it's probably more of an 80:20 split currently, with a handful of scenes in the recent updates being written by people other than myself.

And as for your last paragraph, yeh the start is certainly worse for it, simply due to the introductory nature and me just learning my way around programming a VN in the first place. So it basically grows more complex the further you get into it. There might be some restructuring for day 1 at some point but we'll see. Nothing concrete just yet beyond vague thoughts that don't have too high of a priority currently given the available hours to work on it.


When it is finished you HAVE to put this video game on Steam, I mean... it really has a level that deserves to be put there and everywhere. There are a good number of furry VNs on Steam, like Moon Fire (which is still in development but a demo is already offered with the first 2 chapters and is promised to be completed by early 2024) or The Hayseed Knight (which has an atypical artistic/technical level focused on transitions and voice acting of the characters... but sadly it chose to have too much of a comedy tone that makes it difficult to take the plot or the characters seriously).
I've seen that most VNs are $5 there, others that offer more mechanics like being mixed with a card game or a kind of environment exploration/interaction like RPG maker style or a bit of 3D are around $10.


It is typical for the protagonist to be presented as clumsy, even though his race is a cat XD
But it feels a little strange that the first thing you see of him is falling to the ground when cats are known for their balance and never fall except in their paws. Only kittens are quite clumsy, but at 20 years old I don't think this guy is a kitten, haha.

When I was asked about the name I couldn't help but think in the last name "Milk", what a shame that the characters are not able to recognize names... I wonder what Arthur would have responded after that first impression with this absent minded cat who has by name Milk, hehe.


Yeh, he isn't actually that clumsy, just a bit overwhelmed in the beginning given that he's just up and moving from the life he lived up to that point. Just thoughts and nervousness here and there and everywhere.

I'm glad you're having fun with him, though and I mean, technically, it would be doable to have reactions to specific names, but guessing which ones people choose ahead of time would just be impossible. :D

(1 edit)

I understand that it could be laborious, but it could be limited to certain words; something like what was done in Undertale. Also, with this context of not very polite people on a ship (I mean... rude, crude, "piratey" people... I'm thinking in the Treasure Island book), I think it would be very good to have jokes and "pranks" in reaction to certain names. I think a cat with the name Milk would be one of the easy ones to anticipate, well at least for me that I was the one thinking on it XD and I can think in many jokes and funny situations with characters reacting to the first or last name... and in a period piece video game like this, I think it would have been better ask first about the name and then the last name of the character, so that you can then make distinctions between first and last name, such as sometimes someone respectful and professional like Arthur addresses you by last name while those who want to be more informal address you by name. You could even have a nickname originate (unlock) in reaction to first or last name... like "milky". I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too enthusiastically or ambitiously, but some of this could have been done, right? It's a bit of a wasted opportunity. But well, I've just started playing because I don't have much time in the day so I'm going very slowly, and this is just a first detail that has come up for me to comment on :D

And yes, I'am a furry and gay so... "cum" is in my mind as a nickname, haha, like... "clumsy" - "John Milk" - "cumsy"... "Hey, you, so you like milk enough to put it in your name, right? Cat boy. Here we don't have cows to milk, but do you know what we have? Come in here and I'll show you, you'll love it, maybe you'll even change your last name." hahaha, In my mind a dog is the one who is telling him this XD


I really like it so far! That horse, Arthur, I hope we can get to know him better. He is my target. ;-)

There will be any chance we get a "face cam" for the protagonist on the left or right corner? I really want to watch his reaction too.

Just keep going what you started, because it's not to much VN playing in this era. That's why I really like it! 


Thank you very much! And yes, Arthur's one of the main 6, so he'll have plenty of time ahead of him. Simply a slower burn than some of the others, both through his statue on the crew and of course his nature compared to some of the other characters. 

As for the face cam...hmmm. I'll keep it in mind, but I don't think it's really what I would want to implement. The protagonist isn't really meant to be a distinct character. So I don't think I'd want to implement too many things that promote him being a character on his own rather than just a mirror for the player. And I think a face cam would run contrary to my intentions.

I'm glad you are enjoying your time with it though and I hope it'll be a good time for you once Arthur gets to the point of getting some more screen time. :)


Thanks for your answer! I'm a new member of your patreon site. ;-)


That's hugely appreciated! Thank you very very much! :)


Just curious has the route for wolf have any cgs or are there even routes? I love the angsty boyo 👉👈

Hah, I'm glad you do! He is quite a treat! But no, not at this point. However he'll get some/be part of some art in the near future. Update 8 has a pretty big focus on him for example, and he should be a pretty big focus in the general near future. (though of course haven't even started working on those updates yet)

And no, there aren't routes in the sense that you pick one and then it's Wolf time throughout the game. We're basically tracking stuff behind the scenes and depending on that scenes might be different/will unlock and so on.


oooooo I'm super excited for that, also no rush. I've followed your work for awhile, I know especially with your style it takes times. Of which the art alone more than makes up for it. A beautiful script with some humor in it, is just a great bonus. Please, make sure to keep yourself refreshed i.e. drink that water and get plenty of rest. I'm definitely gonna be patiently waiting for the future updates (while enjoying the currents) 💖


i think last time i played this it was still on version 1. I was surprised by some redesigns, everything already looked good before and now looks great


Hah, thank you! Yeah going from the first version to this is quite the jump! :D


Looking forward to this one. 3/5 right now, hopefully 5 stars when it's finished

Is this a gay furry game?


Gay, straight and bi options are planned, so basically a case of whatever you prefer it to be.


I prefer straight but don't wanna download if there aren't straight options yet


Not in at this point, no. Will have to be patient for a little while longer.


Akr LMK when there's straight opt


Not sure i can quite provide the service of letting individual people know when something is in the game. But of course you can just follow the new releases and the changelogs that come with them to keep up to date about what's happening.


WAIT ON GOD????????? WE GOT THE WHOLE FLAVOR WHEEL????? Shit shoutout to you dude I love the variety,,,,, Also literally obsessed with your art,,, your rendering and texture game is INSANE


Thank you very much :D Yeah Just going with what I enjoy making, first of all, so there'll be plenty of options for the main characters and hopefully most people will find something they'll enjoy.


Hoping for more astronomically high cuteness levels from Julian.

We'll get there, I'm sure :D


HOW AM I JUST NOW DISCOVERING THIS!? This is so good, what the heck? This game ate and left no crumbs.

Thank you for this masterpiece.


This seems like a lot of amazing artwork and storytelling to make such a crazy adventure so far, looking forward to more

Thank you very much! :)


This is beautiful and i love the sound

you seem to have spoiled me on *relation* options tho, by the gallery

Hah, thank you. Gotta treat you all well after all! :D

oh i didnt expect you to respond.... thank you a lot

do you use discord? a  lot of VNs have their own game discord

I try to answer most everything. As for Discord, only a Patreon Discord currently, and not sure if I want to add managing a non-gated Discord to my plate of work currently I'm afraid.


Ooooh okay

im still thrilled i was able to talk to you on this chat message thing

ive loved your art for a long time


Just bought your game, the first time ive ever tried that on this page!

Thank you very much! All helps to give me the opprtunity to continue making this thing, so I very much appreciate it! :)

Deleted 189 days ago

Thank you very very much, I'm happy that you're enjoying your time with it!

And yes, only been in development for a few months at this point, so it's always gonna be a case of what's there is there as development continues.

As for Discord, currently there is only one for those subbing on Patreon. No plans to change that at this point I'm afraid.

Conway? A game of life, perchance? Curious.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you very much! I'm glad that you think so and yes hopefully it'll just continue to keep pushing on like that. 

I do actually have to look into steam at some point, yeah. The thing is where I live all the adult games are just not ever shown for some reason, so I just don't really know how the environment for adult games looks on steam...
Makes it a bit annoying...

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh yeah, that I know. It's more a case of Valve not abiding by the local rules for age verification for adult games, so they just don't show nor sell them as I guess they figured that that's the easier thing to do.


Holymoly, a DOM Protagonist?? This must be a dream.



Haha, thank you. Yes will be a variety of scenes in the end, depending on the other characters. Very happy that you're enjoying it though, certainly will have some more dom scenes in the future.


Right? Why is that so rare?

image wolf neutral not found

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I think it should already be fixed either in the next update or the one after that, since the images got a general overhaul in how they work, but I'll make sure to double check that one :)

I'm kind of curious what this picture looks like

It's not any different, just the call to show the character picture got messed up.


(1 edit)

If I may ask, this transition is a little abrupt, shouldn't there be some other animation or description in the middle?

Will check the section and see as well. :)

wait,no bgm?

I assume bgm means background music? In which case, no not yet. The next update will bring ambient sounds however.

I must say I enjoyed your Visual Novel, The Story is excellent, and The Characters feel like real people. Although I do hope that Sounds and Music Sounds will be implemented in the Future. 10/10 Visual Novel.

Thank you very much and hey, you're in luck, the next update will actually include sound! Pretty basic all in all, was a last-minute addition for that update to fill whatever few of hours I had left to work on it that last day. But it's a start!

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

A great novel. I really liked the characters, the very fact that this is not a ridiculous pile of muscles already makes this game stand out in the best light, and special thanks for the animal anatomy. Many people make anthro-characters with human dongs, and it looks just disgusting for me. I also liked the writing style, someone said that this is at an average level, but it's not true, every writer has his own and yours is very good. As well as the art, it gives specific atmosphere to the game world. Still, I hope that the sprites of some characters will be updated, for example, Konrad's lynx. And I hope you will make it possible to have a romance with this lynx)

Besides, there is a choice in the game, this does not make the plot linear, as in other popular projects.

I really liked the art with Samuel)

Will keep an eye on this vn and wish you good luck in development.

Also feel awkwardly seeing the author's nickname, especially after a special morning spent with a character with the same name) However, I do not regret that I *ahem* - watered his flower)


Hah, thank you very very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, character artwork will be updated over time, usually aiming for one a month, so version 5's gonna get Arthur, and version 6's gonna get someone else. As for Konrad, he's not planned to be one of the 6 main cast characters, so probably not going to be a romance option as they are. But there might be some smaller scenes here and there dedicated to the side characters.

Aww, it's a shame, - there are so few games with lynx characters)

(1 edit) (+2)

Gonna comment that I love the writing. This is the kind of pacing that I want out of a period piece and the characters feel like real people to me. I know a character voice is strong when I can tell who's talking when I cover up the name plate, and that's certainly the case here. 

Hungry for more.  

Hey! Very much appreciate hearing that and yes hopefully you'll be enjoying future updates even more then! :)


Well, I finally got around to playing the second build.

I'm honestly blown the fuck away by your artistic talent. It's fucking insane. The writing is the weakest part of this VN sadly. Your hamartia if you will. There's so much potential in this concept. I would love to see your love of the time period shine through your writing more than it currently is. The characters still feel like FVN stereotypes to me. What a shame.

Overall, I'm hoping this VN improves with build 3.


Deleted 1 year ago

Hey hey, thank you for your time playing it again, and yeah, might just not be a good enough writer to satisfy you in that case.
There might be a change away from my writing, as that (unfortunately) consistently appears to be the point that I cannot do justice from what people say, but nothing firm as of yet.

Update 3 is gonna be a light update without any additional writing as the month was busy with non-VN work, so at least that one won't change it either.

For some reason, the Mac version of the game will not open for me. even though other VNs will.


Hmmmm, unfortunately it's something I can't really test, as I don't have a Mac at the ready. I just trust that the Mac compiling of RenPy works as intended. Apologies.


Ello! I had a question if it’s okay to ask! Since the game is in very early development will there be a possibility of you opening up to the main character’s gender being other than just male or is it something that’s important to the overall story and characters? I hope this isn’t a rude question! I haven’t played the game so I don’t have much context but I’ll still check it out regardless since I think it’s very honorable you’re developing a majority of the game on your own (I know how much of a pain stuff like art block and lack of motivation can be sob)

Hey, I'd really love to to be honest, but currently, there are no plans for it. It'd just mean too much work, especially on the art front to account for both male and female (not to mention potential options beyond that), and writing for both option with potentially entirely different scenes because of it.

As of right now it's simply a pragmatic choice to keep my workload as managable as possible with it already being such a massive undertaking. But depending on how the project develops and how successful it'll be, it is at least possible that it'll be put in in the future.


I like this game. To me it's really unique setting, didn't expect to like it this much.

It's also interesting to see more realistic design of characters and settings in VN instead of cartoony/really expressive one.

And the writing is great, more mature than some other VNs I played.

Defenetly nice start and I can see it becoming a great game. Keep doing great work!

Also one question. Where can we report bugs in case we find them?


Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it so far!

As for bug reports, currently nowhere "official", but I'll most likely open up a little google form to submit things to with the next update or so.


Wow, that's a really nice start! This VN stands out so much from the rest and I'm loving the writing so far. The art is very nice. 

The characters seems to be very interesting so far, they all differ from each other. Why does Samuel gotta be so cute though lol. I also noticed that he has different drawn emotions, will the same go for other characters in the future?

I'm happy to hear you're enjoying your time with it!

Yes, all characters will over time have expressions added.Just is a case of it taking a while to do the art for them, and a month only has so many hours that I can work on it. So I'm doing it step by step to not have one month just be art and then no new art ever again basically.


I wrote New World Rising Adventure in the Land of the Ginn. RPG. I got into furry to advertise and got sidetracked with everything else, in 2002. I have a copyright thus far on the basis of the game. I have yet to send in for the rest including the 2,000 adventures and 25 full length campaigns I've already written.

Now I wanted to qualify my question. I wanted to 'see' what you have thus far. I kind of wanted to learn how to code a game engine like Skyrim or Call of Duty, but I may not live that long, so I'll go back to just promoting it.

my game is not digital it is still paper and pencil + imagination, but it is finished, all 20,000 years.

I wanted to see then critique on game-play how the game unfolds and what is possible even for seasoned new starting characters along with newbies.

my game is oriented to adventure and social interaction, with a lot of sex drugs and rock n roll. But it is designed so that the player usually wins even against incredible adversaries.
 I noticed that sex is involved in your game. I wanted to see an excellent artist's presentation of a sexual game. I draw, write and paint but decided to create an RPG in 1976 based upon the comic book characters pantheon I created _mostly furries. heh.


this was great the story, love the writing, especially love the character designs even if they're just placeholders they look cool.....can't wait for the next public release


Thank you very much! Thankfully don't have to wait for too long :D

(1 edit) (+2)

pretty good for such early state and release, keep it up, nice set up with interesting characters


Thanks man! I appreciate it :)

Quick question, how do I play these games on iPhone? Sorry this isn’t entirely specific to this game but I want to try this one and some others out but can’t open the iOS app files or dmg files and can’t find a fix that doesn’t need a computer (my computer is dead at the moment).  Any help would be super appreciated:3

Of course I can't speak for other games, but in my case there is just no iOS version of it available, so unfortunately you won't be able to play it there for the time being.
Apple is just makes it a bit too much trouble to put it out, and I assume it might not even be possible to open them on regular iphones without doing some sideloading stuff, which most iOS user probably won't ever bother with.

So unfortunately it is just not worth it for me to invest time into it at this point. Maybe that'll change in the future but that's the situation as it stands. Sorry about that!


Oops that’s my bad, I copy pasted my question on a few message boards to save on typing with my phone.  I do appreciate your quick reply tho! :3

I’ll make do with web browser optional ones or I can replay Morenatsu/ homecoming.  Can’t wait to get my laptop fixed some day x_x;

Oh sweet, a furry VN that doesn't look like trash! 

Played, and it's pretty good so far. Can't wait for more content, especially knowing that, given it's Nomax, chances are there'll be species-corresponding genitalia. 

I must ask, because I'm an autist - how's Samuel have "tattooed markings" when he has fur?

By the way, there's a typo where Samuel is referred to as "she": "She looks at both Julian and you." Also, the "ass beat" line plays twice.

Lemme at that cute lizard's cloaca

Hah, yes, it'll probably still be a little "furryfied" but yes there is a reason why the species are what they are.

Thank you for pointing out typos as well, I will see to getting them sorted in the new release. And don't think too much about the fur tattoo, it's just a stylistic option to add to a character's design and to add a character's feeling. It's just another little knob to turn design-wise to try and convey what sort of character they are.

Thank you very much for giving the game a go and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!

You don't have to say you're autist, I'm not and I could very well ask about the same issue of tattoos on someone covered in fur... ;p
But well, I would interpret that the tattoos are actually painted fur or that they are scarifications, I mean, marks made with hot iron similar to how people mark horses and cows.

It's an over-attention to detail that seems to specifically only bug me, 'swhy.

I've always kind of assumed they are some sort of targeted fur dye. Might need to be re-done periodically as the fur grows out.


Going to play it later after geting teeth x-ray


It has a lot of potential; I do enjoy the choose your adventure style and felt the different choices felt like the beginning of several novels at once. Hope you continue.


Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and work has been ongoing so while it'll still be a while for the next update I do hope that you'll enjoy that one once it comes around as well. :D

Will there be an android version?

Yes, android version will be releases sometime during this week still.


Really love it so far, can't wait for more.

Sweet, thank you very much! :)

What gender is the MC?


Male, is also mentioned when you pick your name in the beginning.

Will there be a mobile version?

Unless I somehow can't figure out how to make that work, yes.


One thing I noticed: There's the implication that the MC is relatively weak, but that seems unlikely for a farmer. There's lots of heavy lifting to do on a farm.

Thanks for the input, yeah the thinking was that he is decently young and of course doesn't exactly enjoy it. So, less of a hardy farmer, and more dreamer of a kind. But I will keep it in mind and see if tweaking is needed and perhaps he'll get a different background.


For a first build, this game is quite decent. The writing is leagues better than most VNs in their early stages. The art style is nice. All the characters have distinct personalities. However, I did notice quite a few errors in your writing. The stereotypes also abound here. I hope those go away as this VN continues. 

Hey, I haven't yet had a chance to actually look at the video, so this reply is without any further context that might be gleaned from that.

Thank you for giving it a go of course, and yes, not a native speaker, so fighting the errors is going to be one of the main challenges. I didn't immediately want to employ hours and hours of my friend's time for an uncertain project, so I've tried to sort things out with the tools I've available to pick up typos, grammar errors, etc.
It's absolutely one of the main issues, and one I'm keenly aware of, though.

And yes, characters already have other things planned with them that are meant to get them away from their first impression. But we'll see how it goes as that will depend on how well I can handle that part.
Hope that will be good, might be a trash fire, but time will tell!


And finally managed to find the time to get a look at the video as well. Thank you for taking the time to play it and record your thoughts there.

Yeah some of the issues with the backgrounds are just down to them being placeholders at this stage. Just whatever royalty-free picture roughly fit the vibe most closely. So I didn't bother with stuff like identifiable flags, humans in the scene, etc just now.

And thank you for catching some mistakes I overlooked, like the moment with Wolf and his initial description. He was older initially where it made more sense, changed his age, and forgot to adjust the description accordingly.

As for the historical accuracy, it's actually something I've thought about for a while just how accurate I want to go with it, but in the end decided to play it fast and loose. Truth be told, while I enjoy the time period, I am not well-versed enough in it to pull it off accurately. Now I could go and do the research for it, and I'd actually like to, as it's something I enjoy doing, but it just would be another time-intensive task on what is already a pretty large project. So it's one of those things where it, unfortunately, got cut due to a simple time investment reason. I'll still try to bring in elements here and there that hopefully will tick some boxes for those that enjoy some accuracy, but full accuracy, for better or worse, was something I had to decide against.

I do like just how much you've ridden around on the fact that life on these things was boring, because that point is something I do want to play around with. I'm not sure how strong of an element it will be, another one of those points that depends on how well I'll manage to write it and how interesting I can make the boredom, or if I need the crutch of interesting events to happen. I don't think I'm good enough of a writer to make it work entirely so most likely it'll fall somewhere in the middle.

All in all. Coming away with the opinion that it was a decent time with rough edges? I'll certainly take that.

Again thank you very much for taking the time to play it. I appreciate it!

The Mc Its a human ?


Probably won't be, but it's one of those things that's still up in the air.


Gosh the Art is ggorgeous, I hope this VN prospers

Thank you very much, and hopefully it's going to get even better as it's all very much just quick sketches in-game at this stage.

Oh wow, it looks amazing! 🙂

Will there be a release on Android in the future?

(1 edit) (+1)


most likely, yes. Didn't want to overcomplicate it for myself for the moment, but the plan is to offer it for mobile devices as well in the future.

And thank you very very much of course!

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