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Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful art, with great characters and an interesting setting to boot. Very excited to see where this VN goes in the future! (Jules stole my heart)

Thank you very much, toxic :) Happy to have you around and I hope you'll enjoy how things go.

I'm having so much trouble getting the second scene with nomax, some help would be very aprecciated 


The art style and appearance of this game is breathtaking. I'm in love with Samuel. Can't wait to see this VN develop <3


Thank you very much :) That's lovely to hear!


Will there be any gallery scenes for Rajeeyah in the future?


Likely yes. (Why people are downvoted this?) 

Oh, my bad, forgotr that i still had to answer this. Yes there will be in the future.


okay am I really dumb because I keep getting kicked off the ship 😭 like every time, is that where the game ends so far or am I just genuinely dumb lmao 😭😭


If you're talking about day 12, the decision to try and stay or leave is currently the end of the game.


Please let us dominate the horse back as a payment for him bullying James.  


Such a quality VN from front to back! The art-style, the story, the seeing maned wolves represented too, a personal favorite. Which of course means Samuel is my favorite. However, I'm having a heck of a time trying to get the second part of his first image, as well as his second image entirely! Does anyone know the trick?


Thank you very much!
Pretty simple, just gotta collect all Sam points on Day 1. Spoilers below.

Pretty simple really, just go for the dinner and share the asparagus. I think that's more or less all? Always difficult to remember these off of the top of my head.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ohmahgawwwwd! ♥︎

Julian was a love at first–sight!

Hah, I'm glad you're enjoying him! :)

(2 edits)
I had forgotten to say this: 

Julian is awesome, sure, but his awesomeness wouldn't mean as much if he wasn't part of such a sundry cast. 

The characters bounce well off of each other. The dialogue, the setting, the characters' struggles, theirs hopes, and dreams, as well as their fears and dislikes, bring out their idiosyncrasies. They are fleshed out and utilized dazzlingly! This sentimental mosh pit engenders some believable and yet absurd encounters that elevate the experience. 

They might be character sprites, but... how could one refuse to fall head over heels for them?

I'm very happyto hear that! Yeah a ship like this just provides a great space to bring in all sorts of weird situations, and it works great to have characters develop their relationship with one another, since they are kind of forced to do so given the small space they are living in.

It does actually work surprisingly well for a Visual Novel where that is exactly what you want, and i'm happy it seems to be working! :D


Oh I suddenly remember this guy. I liked some of the stories you wrote on Furry Network. Definitely gonna give this a try!!!!! I’ll leave a review when I’m done too.

why that horse bully us......

Bullying might be a step too far, but (perhaps a spoiler warning should be included)

. . . He suspected us of trying to murder Samuel and then used some extra attention like grabbing him during a break to check on his work, which then ended up causing us a lack of sleep. . . Then they rushed us off the boat. I want to know why? Is it just because we nearly died from a crane? I hope that future routes can answer my doubts. Perhaps it is understandable to be serious and serious about a navy, and to look forward to his other side (friendliness or romance?

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, that's how stories work that are still a work in progress. At some point they just end without having a conclusion yet :D

You'll find out in the future!


finally sat down and played this and omg i want to run away with nomax and hold him while he talks to me about plants and we can sing terribly together xD also omg that scene, hes such a subby boy! 

that pic of samuel during the dream though too is just mmph, would love to wake up to that haha

spoiler talk now

the part where we find out about samuels secret, at first i thought it was gonna be a le chevalier deon thing where samuel harbors the spirit of his dead sister who wasnt put to rest properly and gets taken over by her to battle and stuff lol


Hah! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeh Nomax is good fun to write, of course other's will get their spots as well, but since he's such a different character to the rest he gets a bit of an early start while some of the others still need a little bit. But we'll be getting there now that Day 12 is around, and the Morocco section afterward.

But yes, very happy that you're enjoying your time with it :)


Wow, I really enjoyed this! Can't wait for the finished product. Samuel is my absolute favorite!

Thanks a ton! Really happy to hear that you're enjoying it!

I can't wait for the next update to come out! I spent a good while trying to meet Perce and can't wait to see more of him and get to spend more time with him hopefully!


I'm glad you're enjoying it! He's more of a support character, so his screentime will be more limited, but in some of the paths in the near future he'll play a bit of a role :)


Greatings! This game is really fun so far. Though... I am curious, I noticed that my character is a male cat and I am wondering if we could change it sometime. Like... a female wolf or fox. Or maybe just having a female character instead of a male. Might make things more interesting


Hey hey, I mean I would love to, but it would just require too much reworking to sort it out. The character is present in quite a few of the illustrations, and feline traits are mentioned in, and in some cases are, the reason for some scenes, and for a gender swap it would require even more effort to adjust the scenes and story to accomodate that.

So unfortunately, that is not within the scope of this project unless there's going to be a massive increase in the money we've got available. Reason being that every part of that would need to be done by someone else, since I myself am at full capacity working on what's there currently. So all the art, story and scripting changes would need to be done by other people.

You experience the story from the perspective of this male white cat, which is how most visual novels work. So try to get used to this otherwise most visual novels will disappoint you


Imagine having Female work as a sailor in this story era's setting, its gonna be a headache.


the only thing that would make this more historically accurate is if theres survival cannibalism—or, as it was known in that period, 'the custom of the sea'


Pah, look, never say never, but I want to keep it pretty slice-of-life-y, so i'm not sure we'll ever get quite THAT intense in the game.


the dry humor i was aiming for didnt quite stick the landing, but i legit agree. that slice-of-life sort of grounded-ness has a special kind of charm that the more intense plot structures of, say, echo, do not :p


been playing through and I was wondering how to get the 3 of 3 image on the first cg and the second cg for Julian?


3rd of the first CG for Julian needs a Julian win at the dice game (probably with a decently high relationship with him. Can't quite remember off of the top of my head without looking right now)
second pictue for Julian is a bit more involved. There area few ways to get it, but the easiest one is probably have a high relation to Julian, then win the dice game and ask Julian about below his waist. That should open up a scene with him in the evening of day2.


ah thank you!


Well, im not disappointed, the game is great, lots of choices having at least a bit of consequences. the art, well i've been kinda following you for over ten years i think so i knew that it was going to be awesome ^^

Also your character in the game is silly-cute and fancy what is there not to like in a blacka and gold (victorian ig) suit :) all the other character are interesting in their own way. kinda got brained with Sam ngl XD

If i may ask, if it's not something spoilery for the game how are Nomax and Wolf related to France? Im pretty good when it comes to my country's history but i can't say that i know what botanists did in the 18th century, and well yourself as a person, if you just happen to like having references to it or if you're french yourself or smth

Anyways i wish you the best for your projects, gotta say that i'll be following this one closely :)

Nomax himself has no connection to france, and yeah generally I only talk about stuff as far as the story has gone now, so not that it necessarily would be a mega spoiler or not, but just out principle keeping quiet about the rest. Same as me, don't have any connection to france, really.

But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and happy to have you on board so to speak! :D

ah alrighty, well thanks for the answers ^^

Im glad to be on board myself, thanks for doing what you do :)


I didn't know that you were making a VN i found it buy showing some lycaon pics you've made to a friend XD gotta try it now ^^

Haha, the sneakiest developer around! I hope you'll enjoy it!


I probably will, im very fond of this period of History ^^ keep up the good work :)


Love it sooooo much! But it seems I cant clean my saves or gallerys even if I delet and redownload the packages. That's weird ...


Deleting individual saves you can do by simply hovering over the save slot and hitting delete if you're on a device with a keyboard.

If you want to wipe all your progress you'll have to delete save directory. Renpy doesn't save it in the game folder itself, which makes migration between versions quite easy.

On windows they are located in C:Users/YourName/AppData/Roaming/RenPy/GameName
For different platforms you can find the paths where the save directory is located over here:

You should find a folder called "ConwayGame-(SomeNumber)" and that's where all the saves are located, along with the persistent data (the stuff that unlocks the gallery).
Deleting that should get rid of ALL your progress if you want to start over entirely.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, I got it! Thx and love you!


how to get Arthur route?

He's one of the slow starters. We'll get there.


Thanks for the great work you're putting in :3


I love the art style and story for this! Nomax is the most adorable character I've ever seen in any VN.

Thanks a bunch! Happy to hear that the dumb idiot appeals to people. :D

(1 edit) (+1)

i've been a fan of your art for a while and was really happy when I stumbled upon this game on accident today! your artstyle is truly marevelous and I'm looking forward to more
p.s julian truly was a highlight...

:D Thank you so so much. Glad you got lucky then and that you can join us along this journey!


I am already in love with this game (and Julian too <3)


I'm glad to hear :D


I’m here for Wolf and Arthur. <3

Could someone help me with unlocking the photo in Wolf's section of the gallery? I feel like I've tried all the options, but I still can't find a way that would give me access to his photo.


Possibly spoilers if anyone wants to avoid those.

Basically just hang around with Wolf as much as possible without being annoying (this is important), if you've done that just make sure to to save before (!) playing hazard with Julian and Wolf because you have to win and the winning part is rng so it might take a few reloads, after you've won and you're presented with the choice to ask a favor of Wolf just go with "You must have some... fun stories. Very intimate ones." and after that go with "Maybe you can tell me in private?", next choice go with "You try to find Wolf so that you can make good on your suggestion to mend his shirt." and that's basically it.


Thank you very much! I also want to say that you have created a truly amazing and beautiful game. I can't wait to see how the story will unfold <3 !!!


is this really rng? i feel like i got the photo on the first try.. is this even normal?

The dice roll for the bet (whether you take part or not) is rng, yes. All the outcomes offer different small scenes and potentially things that influence scenes further down the line. So you just rolled the number(and had the prerequesites) to get that particular scene.


Thanks a bunch! Really happy that people are enjoying it, and it just makes it even more exciting to get to continue working on it!


Very good game


Fun Game w/ Cool Art & Characters, can't wait for more


(1 edit) (+1)

Barely started playing and I'm already in love! The characters are so well-written and thought out, and the artwork is stunning. Only issue I've had is that there's a yellow tint on the whole screen when the dialogue bar is showing- I tried to disable it somehow but I can't. It's not horrible but it bothers my eyes a little. It goes away when I hide the dialogue bar, so I dunno.. Anyway, amazing work and I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this novel! :)


Thank you very much. I'm glad you're enjoying your time with it. The color grading is intended to tie the scene together a bit more, and there are different ones to offer different effects depending on the scene.

if anything, it going away when you hide the UI is just something I haven't figured out how to get rid of lmao. :D

Oh pfft 😭😭

Thank you for clearing that up :3 

Let me start by saying that this is one of the highest quality VNs I've ever seen on this site-- or anywhere, really. The character designs are mindblowingly detailed and creative, the backgrounds are amazing, and the personality of each character here is so in-depth that I feel like I'm literally inside the world myself. When the full version of Conway releases and you all decide to make it purchasable, I will definitely buy it. Good plot, detailed characters, and genuinely an enjoyable experience.

I did see about three spelling errors in my time playing, which honestly isn't that much of an issue when the product is this top-notch. I'm pretty new to, so I only figured out how to attach one image so far, but here it is! 

P.S., Samuel is my absolute favorite, l love everything about them, and can't wait to see more for their route!

Thank you very much! I'm glad that you're enjoying it that much! Yeah, I'm not a native speaker, plus just the workload that comes with making a VN. So it's always gonna be a fight to catch every and all spelling mishaps. Getting better at it, mind you, figuring out which tools help me catch them and, of course, just the help of people in the discord or elsewhere pointing my way to them.


Great novel, I love it!


Thanks a bunch, mate! :)

(1 edit)

!Spolier alert!








I found it is a bit interesting when you lose to Julian in the dice game but you have a very high affection level with him. You will only show him your ass but there is no special scene at the end.


Hey guys, I've really enjoyed your novel a lot, and I'm looking forward to more from Wolf, he's one of my favorite characters. I just had a question regarding Julian's route when you play dice with Wolf and Julian. When I check the gallery, it shows there are 3 images, but I've only unlocked 2 out of 3. Is there a way to unlock the third image? It appears to be locked, and I've tried to figure out how to unlock it, but no luck so far. If you could help me out, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks!

Thank you very much and I'm glad you're enjoying it! To unlock that one it should be high relationship value with Julian (so be nice to him & smack him every now and then) and then Julian needs to win the dice game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing read I love what you have done so far. Am I right in assuming the main character is mainly a top? regardless I'm extremely surprised and pleased with the 2 current options making me believe that he is. I don't think there's a single character you've created that I don't like so far I'm excited to see everything you have to offer here.


In the end, I want it to be a case of him being what the player wants him to be. That the current two options are more dominant simply is down to the fact that it makes sense that they would be earlier in the game, with the player actively wanting to be dominant and pushing for it.

But the two current scenes are not needed for the romance of the characters involved and there will be other angles to them with a different tone.

(2 edits) (+1)

I read one of your other comments about basically everyone being bi or it not being a big deal to everyone. I think that's great news it sounds like your going to have option for everyone :) hell yea.

(2 edits) (+2)

I adore this vn. Very comfy and even somewhat educational? Even the TITLE SCREEN has great vibes


Thank you :D Yes, honestly it's really fun to put in small bits and pieces of historical accuracy. Said accuracy is certainly variable and increasing over time as I myself have more time to dig into things, but still. It's fun :D

(1 edit) (+1)

I really appreciate that. It adds a lot of unique flavor to your VN. 

I do have one question though -- I noticed that James and Julian are not particularly shy about their attraction to men; in fact it's never even brought up and just kind of assumed. My uneducated brain would think that kind of behavior would get you thrown off the ship. Is that just more of an acceptable break from reality in order to tell a queer story? Of course, I don't think that's a bad thing at all and the VN still feels firmly grounded in the era despite the historically inaccurate amount of animal people.


Yes, that is one of the places where I veer most heavily from it, with the reason for it simply being that it's not the story I want to tell.
It would put all sorts of hurdles between the interactions that characters can have. Everyone would have to feel everyone else out even more than they already have to do as characters who, in many cases, don't have any prior history, and who are confined in a small space with dozens of other people and very little, if any, privacy.

And that is not what I want to tell in the game. It still has a heavy adult focus, so I just don't want to have that particular ball to juggle along with all the other balls that are already being juggled.
It's not a casual sex world, mind you, but just a case where everyone's bisexual, everyone is fine with everyone being bisexual, so I don't have to worry about adding complete secrecy to pretty much every single relationship.

(1 edit) (+3)

One of the best Visual Novels I have ever played! Incredible art, incredible story, incredible characters. Pretty much every single aspect of this game ticks all the right boxes for me.
Thank you Nomax :)


Aw thank you very much! It's really a treat to hear that and I hope I'll be able to make sure you'll get to enjoy many new updates in the coming year. :D


Wow, just wow! I absolutely adore all of the characters, the art is beautiful, and I love the dialogue between them all. I am so glad I checked this out. Can't wait to see some art of Wolf, especially after seeing what you've done already! I am definitely following this, super excited to see more!


Thank you very much for giving it a go and Happy to hear that you're enjoying your time with it. Yes, some dedicated Wolf art isn't far off, so don't have to stay patient for too much longer :D

Oooo awesome!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love your art. It is so vibrant and unique. Looking forward when the game is complete.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hah, always a treat to come back to a chunk of new stuff :D Enjoy and thank you very much!


I've been following your work on Twitter for a long time now, and I remember well when Conway's first version came out. I played it and thought it had a lot of potential, so I put it aside and let you stew all these months.

After putting it off for so long, I saw that Julian's update had been added and decided to give it a chance and see how the game was now.

I wasn't disappointed at all. Quite the contrary, it exceeded my expectations, by a lot!

I won't go on too long, because I have a lot of praise to give, but EVERYTHING is TOO GOOD. Like, the art is amazing! I know your work and I know your capabilities, but still realizing that the characters had different renderings depending on the light of the environment they were in left me absolutely speechless.

I'm not even going to start talking about the characters because otherwise my comment, which is already long, will get even bigger lmao. But know that I love Julian so much, and I got the perfect timing to play, with this latest update.

I really liked Samuel too, he really gave me two big surprises: the first time when he woke up the protagonist on the second day, and the second time when his secret was revealed in the infirmary. Just, wow. I didn't expect either of them, but I'm all for it.

Nomax's path was something I wasn't planning on following, but after snooping around your FurAffinity and unintentionally discovering some rather "suspicious" art of the character, I decided to go ahead with it. And oh boy, I didn't regret it one bit; I really liked it, in all honesty lol.

Anyway, my most sincere compliments to you and your team who are working so well. I wish you the best and that this game becomes a great success, I hope you can get the support you need to make this already incredible game even better!


Ah, why thank you very much! That's just lovely to hear and thank you so, so much for taking the time to have a peek once again. :)

Yeah, it's really gotten into a nice flow by now, as with everything you kind of need a little while to warm up to it as a creator. Just getting comfortable with it, the characters and so on. So, I'm happy to hear that it sounds like it's not just me assuming that we're finding that place but that it shows in the game itself. :)

Also just so happy that that morning scene with Sam seems to be resonating with people. Was quite nervous if it would have the wanted effect, but it's been mentioned by a few people already, so very happy that that one worked out so well, too.

Yeah, just all in all, thank you so much for taking the time to write the comment. It's such a pleasure to hear from you and others who are taking a gander at it, and hopefully there'll be plenty of future updates for you to enjoy yet to come. :D


Not to ask too much, but would it be possible for you to explain how to unlock all 3 images available in the dice game's painted scene? The one where the protagonist goes to get the dice and gives Julian a beautiful vision...

I've kind of unlocked all the available paintings except the third version of this scene 😅. My curiosity is killing me!


Erm, need to have a high relationship stats with Julian, and then he needs to win the dice game with you participating.


I did it, thank you very much! As a precaution, I replayed everything choosing all the alternatives that I thought would led more towards Jules (deeply irritating Wolf in the process), but it was worth it!

Looking forward to see more of your gorgeous art in the future updates!


By the way, can anyone please explain to me how you get Nomax's path? 


Never mind I found it ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

How the hell didn't I discover this absolute gem of a game earlier?  Its artwork and writing are beautiful, and I can't wait for the next installment.


By the way, is there any route content with Nomax yet?


I'm glad to hear, and hey we're still pretty early, so you're arriving at a great time I'd say!

And yes there is. Not quite as much as for some of the other characters on day 2, but he is (as of update 8) the only one with NSFW scene. Though that'll change with Update 9, that's so far still Patreon-only.


Thanks for the clarification, love your VN and I wish you the best.

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